Course Overview

Angular is the latest JavaScript UI framework for building cross-platform, single page applications. Redux is one of the most popular libraries for managing application state. Popularized through its usage with React, Redux is not limited to a particular framework and is increasingly being used with Angular. The course will explore what Redux is, how it fits with Angular, and how to implement Redux application state management within Angular. This class will feature dynamic code driven lectures, and lots of hands-on programming work.


Key Learning Areas

  • Integrating Angular with 3rd Party Libraries
  • Pure Functions
  • Understanding Application State
  • Container and Presentational Component
  • Angular Services and Dependency Injection
  • Using Redux with Asynchronous Operations

Course Outline

Day 1

  • Angular Overview
  • Redux Overview
  • Reducer Functions
  • Pure Functions
  • Creating Stores
  • Creating and Dispatching Actions
  • Subscribing to the Store

Day 2

  • Implementing Redux as an Angular Service
  • Presentation and Container Components
  • Component Composition and Redux
  • Implementing Asynchronous Actions
  • Integrating Redux with an Existing Angular Application
  • Unit Testing Reducer Functions

Who Benefits

Developers desiring to use Redux with Angular to next generation application.



Some experience with HTML, JavaScript, Angular and web programming is beneficial.

Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.

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