Angular Application Development


Course Overview

“Learn by doing!” – that’s the goal of the Angular Application Development course. The course starts with an introduction to Single Page Applications (SPA) and the benefits that SPAs can provide to both developers and end users. It then jumps into an overview of key Angular features and TypeScript. Students will learn what benefits TypeScript offers and get hands-on experience using it throughout the class. From there students learn about different aspects of the Angular framework such as components, templates, data binding syntax, directives, data services, calling RESTful services, observables, decorators and more. Best practices and techniques for structuring code are discussed as well as techniques for using the documentation and Angular Github source code repository to find answers to questions.


Key Learning Areas

  • Single Page Application Features
  • TypeScript Fundamentals
  • Working with ES6 modules (import/export)
  • Key features of Angular 2
  • Data binding syntax
  • The Role of components
  • Input and Output properties
  • Understand the component life-cycle
  • Using directives in templates
  • Creating injectable services
  • Understand the difference between Observables and Promises
  • Using Http and Observables to interact with RESTful services
  • Working with pipes
  • Build and use custom pipes
  • Understand how routing works and how to use child routes
  • Build and use custom directives

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Angular
  • TypeScript JumpStart
  • The Angular JumpStart Application
  • Modules and Components
  • Template Expressions and Pipes
  • Component Properties and Data Binding
  • Services, Providers, and Http
  • Routing
  • Forms
  • Custom Directives and Components

Who Benefits

This course is designed for JavaScript developers who are looking to build Single Page Applications using the latest version of the Angular framework and the TypeScript language.



Attendees must have prior experience working with JavaScript, HTML and CSS to take this class. A minimum of 6-months of hands-on JavaScript experience is recommended to get the most out of the course. TypeScript experience is recommended by not required since an introductory chapter is provided in the course.

Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.

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