Course Overview

Agile methodologies have revolutionized the way software development and project management are approached. Rooted in principles of flexibility, collaboration, and customer focus, Agile practices enable teams to respond quickly to changes and deliver high-quality results.

This training is designed to provide IT professionals with a comprehensive understanding of Agile fundamentals, covering its origins, key practices, roles, events, and metrics. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, participants will gain the skills necessary to effectively implement Agile practices in their projects.


Key Learning Areas

  • Introduction to Software Control Management (SCM)
  • Origin of Lean and Agile Practices
  • Introduction to Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Principles of Agile
  • Roles in an Agile Team
  • Agile Events
  • Agile Artifacts
  • Importance of an Agile Organization
  • Metrics for Tracking Agile Performance

Course Outline

Origin of Lean and Agile Practices
This module explores the historical roots and evolution of Lean and Agile practices. Understanding these origins helps grasp their foundational principles and how they have influenced modern project management.

  • History of Lean
    • Development in manufacturing at Toyota
    • Key principles: waste reduction and continuous improvement
  • History of Agile
    • Emergence in software development
    • Agile Manifesto: creation and core values
  • Lean vs. Agile
    • Differences and similarities in approaches
    • Application in various industries

Introduction to Extreme Programming (XP)
Extreme Programming (XP) focuses on technical excellence and iterative development. This module covers XP’s core practices and values, demonstrating how they enhance software quality and team collaboration.

  • Core Practices of X
    • Pair Programming, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Continuous Integration
  • XP Values
    • Simplicity, Feedback, Courage
  • Benefits and Challenges
    • Enhanced code quality and improved collaboration
    • Challenges of implementation and resistance

Principles of Agile
Agile principles guide teams in delivering value through iterative and collaborative methods. This module examines key principles such as customer value, continuous feedback, and iterative development.

  • Customer Value
    • Prioritizing features based on value and continuous feedback
  • Continuous Feedback
    • Regular stakeholder interactions and adapting to changes
  • Iterative Approach
    • Incremental development and frequent releases

Roles in an Agile Team
Agile teams are structured to enhance collaboration and efficiency. This module outlines the key roles within an Agile team, their responsibilities, and how they interact to achieve project goals.

  • Scrum Master
    • Facilitates Agile processes and removes impediments
  • Product Owner
    • Manages the product backlog and prioritizes work
  • Development Team
    • Cross-functional members responsible for delivering increments

Agile Events
Agile frameworks include specific events that drive progress and collaboration. This module covers essential Agile events, explaining their purposes and best practices for effective execution.

  • Sprint Planning
    • Setting goals and planning the upcoming sprint
  • Daily Stand-up (Scrum)
    • Brief daily meetings to sync and discuss progress
  • Sprint Review and Retrospective
    • Reviewing work completed and reflecting on improvements

Agile Artifacts
Agile artifacts are tools used to manage and track work. This module introduces essential Agile artifacts, such as the Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog, and explains their roles in maintaining project organization.

  • Product Backlog
    • List of work items and their prioritization
  • Sprint Backlog
    • Tasks selected for the current sprint
  • Definition of Done and Increment
    • Criteria for completeness and the sum of completed work

Importance of an Agile Organization
For Agile practices to succeed, organizational culture and structure must support them. This module explores how fostering an Agile culture and adapting organizational structures contribute to effective Agile implementation.

  • Agile Culture
    • Promoting collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement
  • Organizational Structure
    • Adapting hierarchies and creating cross-functional teams
  • Leadership in Agile
    • Supporting Agile principles and coaching teams

Metrics for Tracking Agile Performance
Metrics are essential for evaluating Agile performance and guiding continuous improvement. This module introduces key Agile metrics, explains their purposes, and demonstrates how to use them effectively to optimize project outcomes and team efficiency.

  • Velocity
    • Measuring the amount of work completed in a sprint (e.g., story points or tasks)
    • Using velocity to estimate future sprint capacity and plan releases
  • Burn-down and Burn-up Charts
    • Visualizing progress towards sprint and release goals
    • Tracking work completed vs. work remaining over time
  • Lead Time and Cycle Time
    • Lead Time: Time taken from when a work item is created until it is completed
    • Cycle Time: Time taken from when work starts on an item until it is completed
    • Analyzing these times to identify and address delays in the process
  • Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD):
    • Visualizing work in different stages of the workflow
    • Identifying bottlenecks and monitoring overall workflow efficiency
  • Work Item Age:
    • Tracking the age of individual work items to identify potential issues or delays
    • Helping to prioritize work and manage aging items effectively

Who Benefits

This training is intended for IT professionals who are new to Agile methodologies and seek to understand the fundamentals of Agile project management. Ideal participants include software developers, project managers, business analysts, and any team members involved in or transitioning to Agile practices. The course is designed to be accessible to individuals with no prior experience in Agile, providing a solid foundation to build upon.



Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.