Silverlight 3’s New Pixel Shaders

Silverlight 3 is loaded with new graphical goodies, and one of the goodies I’m most excited about is pixel shaders. A pixel shader is an object that transforms pixels output from the rendering pipeline before they’re rendered to the display surface. Silverlight 3 Beta 1 comes with two pixel shaders: BlurEffect and DropShadowEffect. The following example uses DropShadowEffect to dress up some text:

<TextBlock Text=”Silverlight” Foreground=”Black” FontFamily=”Calibri”

    FontSize=”64″ FontWeight=”Bold”>


        <DropShadowEffect BlurRadius=”8″ ShadowDepth=”8″ Opacity=”0.5″ />



Here’s the output:


What’s really cool is that you can write custom pixel shaders that can be applied using the same simple, declarative syntax as built-in shaders. Here’s how.

First, if you haven’t already, download and install the latest DirectX SDK. You need the effects compiler (Fxc.exe) from the SDK to compile custom effects.

Next, create an FX file to hold your new effect and implement the effect using Microsoft’s High-Level Shading Language (HLSL). For this example, I wrote the following HLSL in a file named WateryEffect.fx:

sampler2D input : register(S0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR


    uv.y = uv.y  + (sin(uv.y*100)*0.03);

    return tex2D( input , uv.xy);


The next step is to compile the FX file into a PS file. To do that, open a DirectX SDK command prompt window and run the effects compiler using a command like this one, which compiles from WateryEffect.fx:

fxc /T ps_2_0 /Fo WateryEffect.fx

As an alternative to running Fxc.exe from the command line, you can download Walt Ritscher’s excellent Shazzam utility and use it to compile PS files. An added bonus with Shazzam is that you can test and debug your effects before compiling them.

Now that your effect has been compiled into a PS file, you need to write a custom Silverlight shader and connect it to the PS file. You do that by deriving a class from System.Windows.Media.Effects.ShaderEffect and providing a default constructor that initializes the PixelShader property with a PixelShader reference. Here’s an example:

public class WateryEffect : ShaderEffect


    public WateryEffect()


        this.PixelShader = new PixelShader() { UriSource = new Uri


            UriKind.Relative) };



Be sure to replace “CustomerShaderDemo” with the name of your application assembly. In order for this code to work, you’ll need to add the PS file to your Silverlight project and change its build action to “Resource.” That’s all the constructor code is really doing: creating a PixelShader that’s initialized from a resource named

Now you’re ready to use your custom shader. First declare an XML namespace prefix that references the namespace (and optionally assembly) in which the WateryEffect class is implemented:


Finally, apply your effect to a XAML object:

<TextBlock Text=”Silverlight” Foreground=”Black” FontFamily=”Calibri”

    FontSize=”64″ FontWeight=”Bold”>


        <WateryEffect />



To demonstrate, I implemented WateryEffect as described above and applied it to a user control depicting my favorite penguin. Here’s the XAML. Note that two copies of the user control are declared. The one on top has a DropShadowEffect applied to it, while the one on bottom has a WateryEffect applied to it:

<UserControl x_Class=”CustomShaderDemo.MainPage”




    <Grid x_Name=”LayoutRoot” Background=”White”>

        <StackPanel Orientation=”Vertical” VerticalAlignment=”Center”>



                    <DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth=”20″ BlurRadius=”20″ Opacity=”0.4″ />





                    <custom:WateryEffect />




                        <TranslateTransform Y=”-322″ />

                        <ScaleTransform ScaleY=”-1″ />







And here is the result:


Penguin with WateryEffect Reflection

I based my HLSL code on a sample I found in an excellent blog post by Tamir Khason. HLSL examples abound on the Internet, and the fact that Silverlight 3 supports HLSL opens up a whole new world of possibilities for Silverlight developers.

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