You may have noticed that this blog has received a lot of comment spam recently. We made a change to the software today, implementing a simple algorithm that (we think) will eliminate most of the comment spam. We’ll see if it works. It’s a shame that you have to spend time writing code to counteract other people’s rude, thoughtless behavior.
I just put the finishing touches on a project I’ve been working on for Microsoft since November. I feel like a free man! Of course, my to-do list is full of tasks that I’ve been putting off until the project’s completed. But I’m eager to get started on those and get to the point that I can actually take some time off.
I’m on the waiting list for a brand new R/C airplane–a really nice-looking model of WWII’s B-25 Mitchell. It’s one of my favorite aircraft of all time, right up there with the P-51, the Corsair, and the DC-3. I’m just waiting for the product to start rolling off the production line, which is supposed to happen next month. Should make for an interesting spring.
I was out in Redmond for a couple of days last week. It rained a lot, but it was relatively warm there, too. It took me 15 hours to get there because my plane in Knoxville never left the ground due to an engine problem. I missed my connection and ended up catching a flight that left Atlanta several hours later. My friends used to call that getting “Prosised,” because for a few years there I had some real nightmare trips. Once I was flying to San Francisco to meet John Robbins. While he was at dinner explaining to some friends why they should never get on a plane with me, I called him to tell him I’d be late. Our plane had made an emergency landing in Las Vegas due to a suspected fire in the cargo hold. He literally fell out of his chair laughing when I told him what had happened.
Speaking of John: how are you faring over in India, dude?