I was lucky enough to be able to give my first technical presentation at the Carolina Code Camp, and it was definitely a great experience.
When thinking of a topic for this event, I felt it would be best to learn something new and to learn something that I actually wanted to learn and not something I just thought would be the hot new thing to present on just to get people to come in. One of the biggest things I’ve always been interested in is performance. This is actually mainly due to participating in Wintellect’s Mastering .NET Performance Tuning course that I took a while ago. After going through that course it was as if I had a new obsession. I started reading articles and buying books on anything I could find in regards to performance on the .NET stack and on web applications.
With performance in mind, I started thinking how to relate it to .NET development as it currently is – mainly with web applications in MVC and JavaScript. That then got me wondering how to integrate performance with JavaScript. One of the most interesting things in .NET, I believe, is how the garbage collector algorithm works. That got me to wondering about the one that JavaScript employs. After some research it seemed I had found my topic!
A working version of the presentation (latest version available), can be found here. For anyone interested the GitHub repository that holds the actual presentation with all links used is available to view.
Related Sources
Mastering .NET Performance Tuning is also available on WintellectNOW.