Edge Improvements in Windows 10 Creators Update Will Include VR, EBook Support

Microsoft has released a video detailing a bevy of new features for its Edge Browser in the upcoming Windows 10 Creators Update. It’s the latest move in Redmond’s effort to make Edge competitive with Google Chrome and other popular browsers.

Here are a few of the highlights:

Better tab management

Users who like to keep dozens of tabs open at once will appreciate new tab management features that allow them to view thumbnails of all their open tabs. They can also set aside a group of tabs to look at later, reducing clutter without losing access to their past browsing.

WebVR support

Already available on Chrome and Firefox, WebVR uses a combination of VR device and browser to make virtualy reality experiences available on the web. Including it is part of Microsoft’s increased focus on virtual and augmented reality.

Ebook support

Users can now purchase eBooks from the Windows Store and view them on Edge, with Microsoft promising to expand the range of content available.

More, better extensions

Microsoft has made updates to the Edge Extension Toolkit for porting, extensions debugging and interoperability, and is touting a significantly greater number of APIs available to extension developers.

Microsoft Wallet integration

The Payment Request API works with Microsoft Wallet to easily access a customer’s stored payment information and speed up online shopping.

For more details, check out the full rundown of new features in this blog post from Microsoft.

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