Automating Xamarin Builds with FAKE – Part 2: Building PCL, iOS, and Android Projects

Continuing from part 1 of this series we now have FAKE setup and ready for us to use our automated building needs. Now let’s build our Xamarin Forms application. In here we’ll go through how much FAKE helps us out by including built-in APIs that allow us to easily create our build targets. If you’ve never seen a FAKE build script before, you may be surprised by how little we need to do, since FAKE has all sorts of APIs that can be leveraged.

Of course, before we can really do anything else with our application we need to make sure everything builds so that will be the focus of this post.

Updated Build Script

In here we’re going to utilize FAKE’s Xamarin Helper library to help us build our iOS application. For our PCL and Android applications, however, we will just use FAKE’s MSBuild helper method as it doesn’t need anything special to build like iOS applications do.

The full script is at the bottom of this post and can be also found on GitHub, but let’s first break it up and talk a bit about each build target.


In most Xamarin applications, your PCL will house all of your core logic. If you’re doing Xamarin Forms, it will also house most of your UI code as well which the iOS and Android projects will be dependent on. With this in mind, we’re going to use this opportunity to restore all of our packages in the whole solution. FAKE, as you’ll come to find out throughout this series, helps out us a ton and one of those ways is by providing us with a RestorePackages() method. It just scans through all the package.config files and runs NuGet restore on it.

Note that, if your solution is in a path with spaces, the restore may result in an error.

Now that that we have our packages restored we can continue the build process. The !! is one of a few custom operators that FAKE has. This takes in a string pattern, in our case the .csproj file name for our PCL project, and creates a FileInfo type of what it finds. This result gets forward piped into the the MSBuildfunction. In this function call we give it some default parameters and this is where the actual building process happens. We then forward pipe those results into a Log function that will be displayed in our command line window.

Target "Build-Pcl" (fun _ ->

    !! "FakeDemo.csproj"
        |> MSBuild "FakeDemo/bin/Debug" "Build"  [ ("Configuration", "Debug"); ("Platform", "Any CPU") ] 
        |> Log "---PCL build output---"

PCL Build


Here is another area where FAKE helps us out quite a bit. I’m sure most of you know that, in order to build iOS or Mac applications, you need have it built a Mac with XCode. Let’s take a quick look at what this target looks like.

Target "Build-iOS" (fun _ ->
    iOSBuild (fun defaults -> 
            defaults with ProjectPath = "iOS/FakeDemo.iOS.csproj"
                          OutputPath = "iOS/iPhoneSimulator/Debug"
                          Configuration = "Debug|iPhoneSimulator"
                          Target = "Build"

iOS Build

That’s really it. Pretty simple, right?


Unlike iOS, building an Android project doesn’t need anything special other than having the Android SDKs being installed on your system. If you’re already working with Xamarin.Android then there’s a very good chance you already have those installed. Since it just utilizes those SDKs in a build, all we need to do to build it here is to call the MSBuild function again after getting the FileInfo type with the pattern of our Android project.

Target "Build-Droid" (fun _ ->
    !! "Droid/FakeDemo.Droid.csproj"
        |> MSBuild "Droid/bin/Debug" "Build" [ ("Configuration", "Debug"); ("Platform", "Any CPU") ]
        |> Log "----Android build output----"

Android Build

Final Build Script

Below is the full build script. Hopefully, you got a better idea of how using FAKE can help you with building your Xamarin applications. In the next post we’ll take a quick look at how to run unit tests from FAKE.

#r "packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
open Fake.XamarinHelper

let buildDir = "FakeDemo/bin/Debug"

Target "Clean" (fun _ ->
    CleanDir buildDir

Target "Test" (fun _ ->
    trace "Testing stuff..."

Target "Build-Pcl" (fun _ ->

    !! "FakeDemo.csproj"
        |> MSBuild "FakeDemo/bin/Debug" "Build"  [ ("Configuration", "Debug"); ("Platform", "Any CPU") ] 
        |> Log "---PCL build output---"

Target "Build-iOS" (fun _ ->
    iOSBuild (fun defaults -> 
            defaults with ProjectPath = "iOS/FakeDemo.iOS.csproj"
                          OutputPath = "iOS/iPhoneSimulator/Debug"
                          Configuration = "Debug|iPhoneSimulator"
                          Target = "Build"

Target "Build-Droid" (fun _ ->
    !! "Droid/FakeDemo.Droid.csproj"
        |> MSBuild "Droid/bin/Debug" "Build" [ ("Configuration", "Debug"); ("Platform", "Any CPU") ]
        |> Log "----Android build output----"

  ==> "Build-Pcl"
  ==> "Test"

  ==> "Build-Pcl"
  ==> "Build-iOS"
  ==> "Build-Droid"

RunTargetOrDefault "Test"

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