Analyzing and Improving Communication Skills


Course Overview

Analyze and improve communication skills by applying approaches to improve face-to-face, verbal, written and presentation type communications.


Key Learning Areas

  • Face-to-Face and Verbal Communication
  • Analyzing Face-to-Face Communication
  • Improving Face-to-Face Communication
  • Verbal Communication Skills
  • Analyzing Written Communication
  • Improving Written Communication
  • Presentation Skills
  • Delivering Effective Presentations

Course Outline

Day 1: Face-to-Face and Verbal Communication (8 hours)
Introduction to Communication Skills (1 hour)

  • Importance of effective communication
  • Overview of different communication types

Analyzing Face-to-Face Communication (2 hours)

  • Non-verbal cues: body language, eye contact, facial expressions
  • Active listening techniques
  • Role-playing exercises

Improving Face-to-Face Communication (2 hours)

  • Building rapport and trust
  • Techniques for clear and concise communication
  • Handling difficult conversations

Verbal Communication Skills (2 hours)

  • Tone, pitch, and pace
  • Effective questioning and feedback
  • Practice sessions with peer feedback

Review and Q&A (1 hour)

  • Recap of key points
  • Open floor for questions and discussion

Day 2: Written and Presentation Communication (8 hours)
Analyzing Written Communication (2 hours)

  • Common pitfalls in written communication
  • Clarity and conciseness in writing
  • Email etiquette and professional writing standards

Improving Written Communication (2 hours)

  • Structuring documents and emails
  • Proofreading and editing techniques
  • Writing practice with peer review

Presentation Skills (2 hours)

  • Structuring a presentation
  • Visual aids and slide design
  • Engaging the audience

Delivering Effective Presentations (2 hours)

  • Overcoming public speaking anxiety
  • Practice presentations with feedback
  • Techniques for handling Q&A sessions

Review and Q&A (1 hour)

  • Recap of key points
  • Open floor for questions and discussion

Who Benefits



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Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.