Course Overview

Flutter is Google’s open source framework for creating mobile apps that run natively on iOS and Android phones as well as on the web.

Sure, app development has been around for years. But until Flutter, app development has been incredibly difficult. You kind of have to be a super-developer to write apps for iOS. And writing them for Android is equally hard. But writing for both? Forget about it! You have to be familiar with Objective C/Swift, Java/Kotlin, XCode, Eclipse, and a bunch of other technologies simultaneously.

Flutter helps to simplify mobile app development for any platform. And bonus — you can create iOS apps and Android apps with one codebase! Finally, “write once, run anywhere”!

Want to learn how? This course breaks down the complex tasks into easily digestible sections with plenty of examples and hands-on labs with starters and solutions. And every student gets a copy of “Beginning App Development with Flutter” by Rap Payne (ISBN 1484251806).


Key Learning Areas

  • Write a cross-platform app that will run on any of the 5 billion iOS/Android cell phones in the world as well as in any browser on any machine
  • Develop and debug Flutter apps like a pro
  • Leverage the elegance of the Dart programming language in Flutter apps
  • Apply themes and styles
  • Write their own custom widgets
  • Respond to gestures like taps, swipes, and pinches
  • Precisely control the layout of their apps in a responsive way
  • Handle form data entry from users
  • Make multiscreen apps with navigation, menus, and tabs
  • Use Flutter to read and write data from an online RESTful API
  • Find and include 3rd party libraries

Some of the things we’ll cover in this course:

  • Overview of Flutter
  • Dart programming language
  • Developing and debugging Flutter
  • Creating custom widgets
  • Laying out a screen
  • Value widgets
  • Responding to gestures like tap, swipe, and pinch
  • Navigating between screens
  • Styling widgets
  • Managing state
  • Making RESTful API calls with HTTP



Course Outline

Hello Flutter

  • What is Flutter?
  • Why Flutter?
  • The other options
  • Native solutions

Dart Language Overview

  • What is Dart?
  • Expected features – Dart Cheatsheet
  • Data types, Arrays/lists
  • Classes
  • Conditionals and loops
  • Unexpected things about Dart
  • Type inference
  • final and const
  • String interpolation with $
  • Spread operator
  • Map<foo, bar>
  • Functions are objects
  • Big arrow/Fat arrow
  • Named function parameters
  • Omitting “new” and “this.”
  • Class constructor parameter shorthand
  • Private class members
  • Mixins
  • The cascade operator (..)
  • No overloading
  • Named constructors

Developing in Flutter

  • The Flutter toolchain
  • The Flutter SDK
  • IDEs
  • IDE DevTools
  • Emulators
  • Keeping the tools up to date
  • The Flutter development process
  • Scaffolding the app and files
  • Running your app

Everything Is Widgets

  • UI as code
  • Built-in Flutter widgets
  • Value widgets
  • Layout widgets
  • Navigation widgets
  • Other widgets
  • How to create stateless widgets
  • Widgets have keys
  • Passing a value into your widget
  • Stateless and Stateful widgets
  • So which one should I create?

Value Widgets

  • The Text widget
  • The Icon widget
  • The Image widget
  • Embedded images
  • Network images
  • Sizing an image
  • Input widgets
  • Text fields
  • Putting the form widgets together
  • Form widget
  • FormField widget
  • One big Form example

Responding to Gestures

  • Meet the button family
  • RaisedButton
  • FlatButton and IconButton
  • FloatingActionButton
  • CupertinoButton
  • Dismissible
  • Custom gestures for your custom widgets
  • Example 1: Reacting to a long press
  • Example 2: Pinching to add a new item
  • Example 3: Swiping left or right
  • The gesture arena
  • Conclusion

Laying Out Your Widgets

  • Laying out the whole scene
  • MaterialApp widget
  • The Scaffold widget
  • The AppBar widget
  • SafeArea widget
  • SnackBar widget
  • How Flutter decides on a widget’s size
  • The dreaded “unbounded height” error
  • Flutter’s layout algorithm
  • Putting widgets next to or below others
  • Your widgets will never fit!
  • What if there’s extra space left over?
  • mainAxisAlignment
  • crossAxisAlignment
  • Expanded widget
  • What if there’s not enough space?
  • The ListView widget
  • Container widget and the box model
  • Alignment and positioning within a Container
  • So how do you determine the size of a Container?
  • Special layout widgets
  • Stack widget
  • GridView widget
  • The Table widget

Navigation and Routing

  • Stack navigation
  • Navigating forward and back
  • Get result after a scene is closed
  • Drawer navigation
  • The Drawer widget
  • Filling the drawer
  • Tab Navigation
  • TabController
  • TabBar and Tabs
  • The Dialog widget
  • showDialog( ) and AlertDialog
  • Responses with a Dialog
  • Navigation methods can be combined

Styling Your Widgets

  • Thinking in Flutter Styles
  • A word about colors
  • Styling Text
  • TextStyle
  • Custom fonts
  • Container decorations
  • Border
  • BorderRadius
  • BoxShape
  • Stacking widgets
  • Positioned widget
  • Card widget
  • Themes
  • Applying theme properties

Managing State

  • What is state?
  • What goes in a StatefulWidget?
  • The most important rule about state!
  • Passing statedown
  • Lifting state backup
  • An example of state management
  • When should we use state?
  • Advanced state management
  • InheritedWidget
  • BLoC
  • ScopedModel
  • Hooks
  • Provider
  • Redux

Your Flutter App Can Work with Files

  • Including libraries in your Flutter app
  • Finding a library
  • Adding it to pubspec.yaml
  • Importing the library
  • Using the library
  • Futures, async, and await
  • Why would it wait?
  • await
  • async
  • Including a file with your app
  • Writing a file
  • And reading it!
  • Using JSON
  • Writing your app’s memory to JSON
  • Reading JSON into memory
  • Shared preferences
  • To write preferences
  • To read preferences

Making RESTful API Calls with HTTP

  • The flavors of API requests
  • Making an HTTP GET or DELETE request
  • Making an HTTP PUT, POST, or PATCH request
  • HTTP responses to widgets
  • Brute force – The easy way
  • FutureBuilder – The clean way
  • Strongly typed classes
  • Create a business class
  • Write a .fromJSON( ) method
  • Use .fromJSON( ) to hydrate the object
  • One big example
  • A GET request in Flutter
  • A DELETE request in Flutter
  • A POST and PUT request in Flutter

Using Firebase with Flutter
(time permitting)

  • Introducing Firebase
  • Cloud Firestore
  • Cloud Functions
  • Authentication
  • Setting up Firebase itself
  • (1) Creating a Firebase project
  • (2) Creating the database
  • (3) Creating an iOS app
  • (4) Creating an Android app
  • (5) Adding FlutterFire plugins
  • Using Firestore
  • To get a collection
  • To query
  • To upsert
  • To delete
  • Where to go from here

Who Benefits

Experienced developers who want a better way of writing apps. Architects and managers who want to evaluate the capabilities of Flutter for use in their organizations.



Experience in some object-oriented programming language like Java, C#, or C++.

Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.