Application Modernization for the Agile Enterprise: Achieve Technical Excellence

Unlock the full potential of your applications with Atmosera’s tailored modernization strategies – empowering innovation and resilience.

Transform Legacy Applications into Strategic Assets

Our unparalleled expertise in application modernization empowers businesses to unlock their full potential with Azure. We rearchitect, refactor, and re-platform legacy systems, leveraging cloud-native architectures and microservices to enhance agility, scalability, and performance. Our proven methodologies streamline the modernization process, ensuring minimal disruption and maximizing return on investment. By migrating to Azure, organizations achieve cost optimization, improved security, and seamless integration with cutting-edge technologies, driving innovation and accelerating business growth.

Elevate Your Legacy Applications: Schedule Your Modernization Assessment

Discover hidden opportunities to transform your applications into engines of innovation.

Featured Clients

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What some of our clients have to say

Michael Hinckley
CEO of busHive

At the time we selected Atmosera, they were one of 50 Azure Expert MSP vendors in the world rated as highly by Microsoft. After a few meetings, we felt very comfortable that we would have a good working relationship with Atmosera and we were right.

Gerald Bedwell
VP of Technology, Medadept

Through Atmosera, we’ve realized improved performance, better security, and increased ROI from our Azure investment.

Jimmy Kaanapu
CTO, Keona Health

Atmosera expertly manages our Azure environment, boosting our efficiency and security. Their reliable and timely service lets us focus on our core business.

Zach Hughes
Director of Engineering

Atmosera has changed many aspects of our work life. It's been a fantastic relationship. The projects ya'll have worked on have saved us time and money and have increased our environment awareness in Azure.

The managed services are awesome. Having folks available to fix/modify things 24/7 is awesome. We couldn't do that in-house. Response time is excellent.

Tim Fink
VP of Software Development, BusHive

Atmosera has provided 24/7 security monitoring of our Azure resources for the last 3 years. As a small company, we are not security experts, but we know security is essential to our success. Atmosera has been great to work with and we sleep better knowing they are always on the job.

Jérémie Bourque
Director of Software Engineering, Protocall

Atmosera has been a valuable partner in managing our Azure environment and maintaining the quality of our services. Their expertise provides us with peace of mind, allowing us to focus on helping those in need. I'm grateful that we can rely on Atmosera for our critical infrastructure, allowing us to dedicate our efforts to the important crisis intervention work that we specialize in.

Annette Casper
Child Support Technology Services Manager, Department of Justice - Division of Child Support

It’s been wonderful to see Atmosera’s transformation over the past three years. The growth in their organization has provided additional opportunities for the Oregon Child Support Program to take advantage of their expanded services. A recent example was when our team was able to broaden its technical knowledge through engagement with their training division. The Client Success team is responsive, informative, and often exceeds our expectations. The technical teams continue to work collaboratively with Atmosera to ensure we can fulfill the program’s mission to support parents to support children.

Sharon Levy
Chief Operating Officer, US Claims

We recently completed a migration of our virtual environment from a private cloud to Azure, and partnering with Atmosera was an absolute game-changer for us.

We couldn't be happier with our decision to partner with Atmosera. Their exceptional service, technical proficiency, and dedication to customer satisfaction have truly set them apart. We wholeheartedly recommend Atmosera to any organization seeking a trusted partner for their cloud migration and managed services needs.

Bryan Collins, Wallace Management
IT Supervisor

Atmosera has been instrumental in helping our business thrive through its exceptional cloud servers and support services. Their expertise and commitment to excellence have truly made a significant impact on our operations.

App Modernization

The Application Modernization Blueprint: A Technical Guide

Proven methodologies to future-proof your application portfolio.

In-Depth Portfolio Assessment – Analyze applications for cloud suitability, architectural patterns, dependencies, and technical health.

Strategic Roadmap – Prioritize applications based on business impact, modernization effort, and potential ROI.

Modernization Approach – Select strategies (rehost, refactor, rearchitect, re-platform) based on application requirements and long-term goals.

Cloud-Native Design – Leverage PaaS, containers, and serverless where applicable to maximize efficiency and scalability.

Security & Compliance – Embed security into the modernized architecture using zero-trust principles and least privilege.

Continuous Modernization – Treat modernization as an ongoing process, adapting to new technologies and business needs.

Why Modernize? Compelling Benefits for Technology Leaders

Experience measurable gains that resonate throughout the organization.

Increased Agility – Iterative development, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud scalability for rapid responsiveness.

Enhanced User Experience – Modernized UIs, improved performance, and omnichannel delivery for customer satisfaction.

Reduced Operational Costs – Optimized cloud resource utilization, infrastructure as code, and reduced maintenance burden.

Improved Security Posture – Remediation of vulnerabilities in legacy code, proactive threat mitigation in the cloud.

Accelerated Innovation – Freed developer resources focused on new features instead of firefighting outdated systems.

Competitive Advantage – Outmaneuver competitors with a responsive and adaptable IT landscape.

Application Modernization
Application Modernization

The Imperative for Application Modernization

Why legacy applications hold back your digital transformation.

End of Support Risks – Outdated technologies pose compliance issues and increase security vulnerabilities.

Unscalable Performance – Monolithic architectures struggle to handle peak loads, impacting revenue and reputation.

Talent Gap – Finding developers to maintain legacy systems is increasingly expensive and difficult.

Operational Bottlenecks – Time-intensive manual processes and complex integrations hinder efficiency.

Atmosera: Your Application Modernization Partner

Experience, technical depth, and a focus on business outcomes set us apart.

Hybrid-Ready – Seamless integration of modernized applications with on-premises systems during your transition.

DevOps Mindset – Automation, CI/CD, and infrastructure as code are core to our modernization approach.

Data-Driven Decisions – Modernization roadmaps backed by usage analysis and performance metrics.

Collaborative Engagement – Partnership with your engineering teams for knowledge transfer and continuous improvement.

By the Numbers

Modernize with Confidence: Data Supporting Your Initiative

Industry benchmarks and research highlight the gains achieved through modernization.
Increase Release Velocity
Organizations with modernized applications report a 25% average increase in release velocity. [Source: Forrester, Gartner]
[Source: Forrester, Gartner]
Cost reduction
Containerized applications can see up to 50% reduction in infrastructure costs compared to traditional VM deployments.
[based on case studies]
Increase Time to Market
API-first design reduces time-to-market for new digital products and services by an average of 30%.
[Source: Industry benchmark]
Decrease Incidents
Properly modernized applications often show a 40% decrease in critical security incidents.
[Source: Relevant security research]

The Critical Importance of Application Modernization

Legacy applications aren’t just a technical issue, they impact business success.

Customer Experience is King: Modern UIs, fast-loading pages, and mobile responsiveness are essential to meet user expectations.

Data-Driven Insights: Modernized apps easily integrate with analytics to power business decisions.

Security & Compliance Readiness: Address vulnerabilities and enforce modern standards to safeguard data.

Embrace Emerging Technologies: Tap into AI/ML, IoT, or edge computing through cloud-native modernization.

Advanced Modernization: Features for Technical Leaders

Atmosera leverages the full suite of cloud capabilities to drive transformational change.

Containerization & Microservices: Decouple applications for scalability, versioning, and faster updates.

Serverless Architectures: Event-driven compute models for cost-efficiency and reduced operational overhead.

API-First Design: Promote reusability, integration, and support for omnichannel experiences.

Automated Testing & CI/CD: Accelerate release cycles while ensuring quality and reliability.

Case Studies

Success in the Cloud

Discover real-world stories of transformation and growth from businesses like yours, who have successfully navigated their journey to Azure.
A Fortune 500 global giant in the information technology sector, found itself...
A Fortune 500 leader in building technologies sought to enhance productivity and...
Atmosera provided a seamless transition to Microsoft Defender services and Sentinel with...
SurveyMonkey Inc., a leading experience management company providing cloud-based software for brand...
Leveraging Azure's robust capabilities and Atmosera's specialized expertise, Protocall achieved significant improvements...
Atmosera devised a meticulous deployment plan to rectify existing vulnerabilities and fortify...
Frequently Asked Questions

Application Modernization FAQs for IT Leaders

These FAQs provide in-depth insights into the technical methodologies, ROI calculations, migration strategies, and security implications of complex modernization projects.

How do you balance the benefits of a 'lift and shift' approach against more extensive rearchitecting during modernization?

We emphasize a data-driven approach:

  • Complexity Analysis: Assess code structure, dependencies, and the existence of suitable cloud-native equivalents.
  • Performance Profiling: Identify potential bottlenecks that wouldn't be addressed by a simple lift and shift.
  • Strategic Alignment: Consider long-term cloud goals – if aiming for PaaS/serverless, rearchitecting might be essential.
  • Hybrid Models: Often the optimal path involves refactoring core components while lifting and shifting less critical ones.

How do you calculate ROI for application modernization, especially where immediate cost reduction isn't the primary goal?

Our ROI modeling considers:

  • Agility Gains: Estimate revenue impact from faster feature release cycles enabled by modernization.
  • Operational Efficiency: Quantify cost savings from reduced maintenance, less manual intervention, and self-healing cloud deployments.
  • Developer Productivity: Factor in the value of developer time saved and the ability to attract talent due to a modern tech stack.
  • Opportunity Cost: Assess the lost revenue or delayed initiatives caused by maintaining inflexible legacy systems.
  • Security Risk Mitigation: Consider the potential cost of data breaches or compliance fines due to outdated applications.

For applications with complex data flows, how do you approach data migration and refactoring during modernization?

We prioritize data integrity and performance:

  • Data Classification: Identifying sensitive data, PII, and regulatory requirements governing its handling.
  • Target Mapping: Selecting optimal cloud data stores (SQL, NoSQL, data lakes) based on access patterns and analytics needs.
  • ETL vs. Real-time Replication: Choose strategies based on data volumes, acceptable downtime, and consistency needs.
  • Performance Testing: Simulate real-world workloads on the modernized data layer, proactively tuning for bottlenecks.

Beyond cloud infrastructure security, how do you build application-level security into modernized applications?

Security is embedded at every stage:

  • Threat Modeling: Analysis of new attack surfaces arising from modernization (e.g., API exposures, container vulnerabilities).
  • Secure Coding Practices: Training and code reviews emphasizing OWASP Top 10, secure API design.
  • Dependency Scanning: Automated tools to identify vulnerable third-party components in both code and container images.
  • Secrets Management: Using vaults (Azure Key Vault, HashiCorp Vault) instead of hard-coding credentials.
  • Zero Trust: Implementing least-privilege access controls, network micro-segmentation in the cloud environment.

How does your modernization approach change when aiming for a multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud strategy?

We prioritize portability and vendor-agnostic solutions:

  • Containerization: Emphasis on Kubernetes or other orchestration platforms that operate across clouds.
  • Open Standards: Favor use of open-source tools and protocols for monitoring, logging, and configuration management.
  • Abstraction Layers: Where necessary, introduce abstraction to decouple applications from cloud-specific services.
  • Cross-Cloud Networking: Careful design of VPNs, peering, and traffic routing to ensure seamless hybrid operation.
  • Governance: Establish clear policies and IaC practices to maintain consistency across multiple cloud environments.

How do you ensure continuous modernization, keeping applications up-to-date after the initial migration or rearchitecting phase?

We view modernization as an ongoing journey:

  • Dependency Management: Proactive updates, patching, and vulnerability remediation of all components in the modernized application stack.
  • Observability & Feedback Loops: In-depth monitoring to identify performance trends or architectural constraints as usage patterns evolve.
  • Cloud-Native Adoption: Regular evaluation of new cloud services that could further enhance efficiency or functionality.
  • DevOps Maturity: Enable your team to independently deploy updates to the modernized application in a streamlined CI/CD workflow.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Documentation of design decisions, architectural changes, and runbooks to promote continuity within your engineering organization.
Ready to accelerate your cloud journey?
9705 SW Sunshine Court
Beaverton, OR 97005