Here at Wintellect, we are deep in the planning phases for next year’s Devscovery conferences (April 1-3 in New York, NY, and August 19-21 in Redmond, WA). In past years we’ve had brilliant developers such as Mark Russinovich, Scott Guthrie, Charles Petzold, Jeffrey Richter, and some other guy. As we were brainstorming ideas for Devscovery 2008, we thought it would be great if we let you decide what we do for the keynote. Here’s your chance to say what you have always wanted to see in a presentation and actually have it happen! To entice the ideas out of you, we will award the person with the best idea a free pass to the Devscovery 2008 event of their choice. As they say on TV, that’s a $900 (USD) value! Let the ideas flow! Enter as many times as you want. Either post your ideas as comments for this entry or send them to me via email: john@<insert this domain>.com. If you do put your ideas in the blog comments make sure to include a way we can get in touch with you.
No ideas are too crazy. Well, maybe some are as this is a family blog. Anyway, let fly with your thoughts!